Its been an incredibly powerful time for me. I'm living with a new community of artists who are accepting and even excited about my work. Its even shifted some of their opinions on sex work, opening up the idea of it being sacred work. There was even a report from a friend that she received a spontaneous healing one night while I was working with someone. Wow...can you imagine how amazing that felt? To hear that this work can ripple out to touch people who aren't directly involved in the session.
When I set sacred intentions for my magick and other work, it is often my hope that the energy will touch the greater world. So to hear a successful report thrilled me to the core.
My good friend Sophia Amelia should be coming back from Thailand soon...then the event planning goes into full gear. The third Babalonian Rites is coming up on April 25th, and there's so much to plan and promote. I'm looking forward to having more community to celebrate and make it even better than the ones before.